Apologies for cross posting
**For anyone interested in the long-term preservation of digital materials
the following message will be of interest. Please forward to colleagues.**
Funded under the JISC/NSF International Digital Libraries Programme,
the CAMiLEON Project has been established to investigate emulation
as a strategy for the long-term preservation and continuing access of
digital materials. This has lead to a number of important working papers
on the subject of emulation itself as well as on data migration and the
relationship between these two apparently different technical strategies.
Now available for public consultation are the following working papers:
(please forward all comments directly to the authors)
1. "Emulation, Preservation and Abstraction" by David Holdsworth and
Paul Wheatley
2. "Emulation: C-ing Ahead" by David Holdsworth
3. "Migration: A CAMiLEON Discussion Paper" by Paul Wheatley
Abstracts and links to the full text are available from :
*The CAMiLEON Project is a joint funded project by the National
Science Foundation in the US and by JISC in the UK. It is a
partnership between the University of Leeds (through the Cedars
Project) and the University of Michigan. CAMiLEON stands for Creative
Archiving at Michigan and Leeds: Emulating the Old on the New.
Kelly Russell
CEDARS Project Manager
Edward Boyle Library phone: (+44) (0)113 233 6386
The University of Leeds fax: (+44) (0)113 233 5539
Leeds LS2 9JT email: [log in to unmask]
Daniel Greenstein
Director, Digital Library Federation
1755 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Suite 500
Washington DC 20036
phone 202 939 4762