USC will want to send 2-3 individuals. The timing of the training seems
fine in October.
Lynn O'Leary-Archer
Jerome McDonough wrote:
>The METS Editorial Board is considering holding a 1-2 day training event
>on implementing METS. We would like to request some feedback from
>the digital library community to determine whether we should go ahead with
>this event, and to shape it to people's needs . We have tentatively scheduled
>it for October 27-28 of this year, to be held in Washington, DC, and we
>are assuming that the event would either be free or have a minimal (<$100)
>registration cost. Attendees would have to fund their own travel and
>hotel costs. Some presentations we are considering including in this event are:
>* an in-depth introduction to METS, including hands-on production of a METS example
>* case studies of implementation of METS at various institutions
>* using METS with existing software systems such as DSpace & Fedora
>* developing software tools to work with METS, including RDBM systems and XSLT tools
>The questions we have for the METS community are:
>1. Would you be interested in attending such an event? Do you believe
>your institution would be interested in sending people to such an event?
>Can you estimate how many people your institution might wish to send?
>2. Do any of the named topics have particular interest for you/your institution?
>Are there other topics you would like to see presented at a training event on METS?
>3. Would you be more likely to attend such an event at a different time? A different
>location? Are there other factors which might make you more likely to attend?
>Please send your responses directly to [log in to unmask] and I will
>compile your answers for the board. We should have a decision on whether to
>go ahead with this event shortly. Thanks for your help!
>Jerome McDonough
>METS Editorial Board
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