Posted on behalf of Judith C. Russell ([log in to unmask])
Superintendent of Documents and Managing Director, Information Dissemination
U.S. Government Printing Office
Subject: GPO Seeking Preservation Officer
The U. S. Government Printing Office, Office of Information Dissemination / Superintendent of Documents is seeking qualified candidates to establish and lead its new office of preservation. The Superintendent of Documents organization is responsible for keeping the public informed about the activities of its Government by providing free or low-cost access to information published by the U. S. Congress, Federal agencies and the Federal courts. The preservation office will manage the digitization of the legacy U.S. government documents collection and establish the GPO "collection of last resort." This office will also manage the electronic databases on GPO Access and in the current and future GPO electronic archive.
Applications are due by May 21, 2004. Additional information is available at: The salary range for this position is $85,210 to $130,305, depending on experience.
To view instructions for applying for this vacancy and for additional information, please visit our website at