I'd like to draw your attention to this UK-based Digital Preservation Award (http://www.dpconline.org/graphics/awards/) whose selection committee is chaired by the British Library's Richard Boulderstone (I'm on the committee too).
The award is international in scope and is part of the larger Conservation Awards 2005 program (http://www.consawards.ukic.org.uk/). To quote from thee invitation to apply:
"To be eligible for the Digital Preservation Award, a project must demonstrate leadership and advancement in digital preservation which will benefit the UK. It must focus on preserving digital materials (whether "born digital" or digitized copies), rather than on the use of digitization as a preservation reformatting tool. Only projects that have been completed by 31 May 2005 will be considered for the Award. Applicants from overseas are welcomed, providing that the project can demonstrate benefit to the UK."
This year the awards are funded by Sir Paul McCartney and will be presented at the British Museum in November. The prize is 5000 pounds for the Digital Preservation Award.