Forwarding on behalf of Mark Notess in the Indiana University Digital Library Program...
The open-source Variations project (, based at Indiana University, is planning to add streaming video to its existing capabilities. The purpose of this survey is to learn more about academic libraries' practices and plans for delivery of streaming video in support of teaching, learning, and research. Here is the link to the survey:
In filling out this survey, please note that our interest is in streaming video owned or managed by the library, not video licensed from and streamed by content providers or from unrelated units of the university (such as athletics or public relations), except as such content may become the responsibility of the library.
All data will be reported anonymously: names of individuals or institutions and other identifying information will NOT be shared in any report. You don't even have to provide that information if you don't want to, and the survey does not track the IP address of the respondent.
Please forward this survey invitation to any relevant people or lists you're aware of. We are happy to have multiple responses from a single institution.
If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact me.
Thanks for your participation.
Mark Notess
Variations Development Manager
Digital Library Program / UITS
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana 47405
812.856.0494 (w)
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