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NDSA-INFRASTRUCTURE  August 2011, Week 5



FW: DIGITAL-PRESERVATION Digest - 26 Aug 2011 to 30 Aug 2011 (#2011-92)


"Goethals, Andrea" <[log in to unmask]>


The NDSA infrastructure working group list <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:23:57 -0400





text/plain (1 lines)

In case you all haven't seen - they are conducting a similar survey to ours. There's isn't as structured but it will still be interesting to see the results.


Andrea Goethals
Manager of Digital Preservation and Repository Services
Harvard University Library Office for Information Systems
[log in to unmask]
(617) 495-3724

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Digital-Preservation Announcement and Information List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of DIGITAL-
> PRESERVATION automatic digest system
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:03 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: DIGITAL-PRESERVATION Digest - 26 Aug 2011 to 30 Aug 2011
> (#2011-92)
> There is 1 message totaling 116 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
>   1. Architectures and data storage of LTP systems
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:11:34 +0200
> From:    [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Architectures and data storage of LTP systems
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> As a part of our work on the development of a national data storage
> infrastructure in the Czech Republic, we are working on an extensive
> worldwide comparison of commonly used architectures of data storage and
> corresponding technical background of the Long Term Preservation (LTP)
> systems. This study is held under the auspices of CESNET, Center Cerit-
> SC,
> Institute of Computer Science at Masaryk University, and the Moravian
> Library in Brno.
> We would appreciate if you will kindly forward this e-mail to the staff
> in
> your institution responsible for the technical foundations/basis of
> your
> long term data preservation systems.
> Please, could you be so kind as to answer as many as possible of the
> following questions? The results of this "dialog survey" will be a part
> of
> a report that will be publicly available around end of this year. We
> will
> be pleased to send you an electronic or printed copy when the report is
> finished.
> The information we would like to gather includes but is not limited to:
> 1. What kind of systems do you use to ensure long-term data
> preservation?
> 2. Does your institution use any LTP system (Rosetta, Tessella,
> Archivematica)? If not, are you planning to deploy some form of LTP
> system
> in the future?
> 3. If yes, what technical solutions stays behind it (home developed,
> iRODS,
> etc.)?
> 4. Do you use your LTP system directly for serving the user copies to
> the
> public or is there any system for accessing the user copies in the
> middle
> and your LTP stores only master copies? If the later option corresponds
> to
> your situation, how often do you synchronize the content of your LTP
> with
> the system for exposing the digital objects to the public? Is the
> performance (throughput/access time) of the LTP system a key quality in
> your infrastructure?
> 5. Do you have your LTP system certified as a trusted repository
> (TRAC, NESTOR) or do you plan a certification?
> 6. What kinds of HW technologies do you use for storing the master
> copies
> (disks, tapes, hybrid solutions, etc.)?
> 7. Would you prefer one geographic location where the actual data is
> stored
> or some kind of more geographically distributed approach keeping in
> mind
> risks of physically destroying the site, e.g., by a natural disaster?
> 8. What are the main pros and cons of your LTP infrastructure (rather
> HW
> infrastructure questions than functional requirements of the LTP
> system)?
> 9. Is your LTP system OAIS (ISO 14721:2003) compliant? How much is this
> important for your institution? How would you categorize this feature
> ("nice to have", "should have", "must have")?
> 10. Do you have a document that maps your system to OAIS? Do you have
> any
> services/processes beyond OAIS? Do you miss some important
> functions/processes of OAIS and why?
> 11. Had you done a similar study before you decided to use the LTP
> system?
> If so, would it be possible to get its results?
> 12. Do you have any documents describing your solution at the technical
> and/or architectural level?
> 13. What is the approximate number of objects already stored? And what
> are
> the expected final (maximum) numbers?
> 14. And how are the objects (data and metadata) structured? In other
> words,
> how is a periodical/monograph/map represented in the LTP? How does your
> for various data types look like? What type of identifiers is used?
> 15. What extent of in-house customization was needed? Was the system
> delivered as an "out of box" vendor solution, did a contract include
> local
> customization or were you the major architects and developers?
> 16. Have you tried any form of distributed data storage? Provided you
> have
> tried some distributed data storage, how consistently is the
> application
> layer of the LTP system separated from the lower distributed data
> layer?
> 17. Is it legally permitted to keep your data saved outside the
> country/institution? If not, would you like to use some form of on-
> premise
> or spread-over-a-few-institution distributed repository for a long-term
> storage instead of cloud storage services like Amazon S3 or Google
> Storage?
> 18. Is there any centralized instance (registry of digitization) for
> monitoring a digitization and subsequent or preventive deduplication of
> the
> digitized data in your country?
> 19. Does your institution participate on exchanging the metadata with
> other
> institutions through OAI-PMH or other protocols?
> The results of our survey will be summarised in a publicly available
> report.
> Many thanks for your valuable time and please feel free to answer this
> email
> with any further questions you have.
> Yours faithfully,
> Jiri Kremser
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> End of DIGITAL-PRESERVATION Digest - 26 Aug 2011 to 30 Aug 2011 (#2011-
> 92)
> ***********************************************************************
> ***


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