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NDSA Infrastructure WG February call notes


"Bailey, Jefferson" <[log in to unmask]>


The NDSA infrastructure working group list <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 8 Mar 2012 10:16:17 -0500





text/plain (98 lines)

Hello Infrastructure Group,

The notes from our monthly call are now posted to the wiki and are pasted below.,_February_28,_2012

Our next call will be Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 2pm EST.

*         I have moved all the encryption conversation to the wiki and will work to organize it into a more digestible form.
*         Trevor will ping the group regarding next steps for our OSS project.
*         Priscilla recently emailed questions to the group about out next issue topic: compression. The questions are the wiki as well. Feel free to jump into the conversation at any point.


Infrastructure Working Group Call, February 28, 2012, 2pm-3pm


Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
Karen Cariani, WGBH
Jefferson Bailey, Library of Congress
Dave MacCarn, WGBH
Aaron Trehub, Auburn University
Andrea Goethels, Harvard University
Nada O'Neal, Columbia University
Priscilla Caplan, FCLA
Shawn Nicholson, Michigan State
Micah Altman, MIT
Linda Tadic, Audiovisual Archive Network
Dean Farrell, UNC
Corey Snavely, University of Michigan


*         Recap on the Encryption Discussion (and the storage topics conversation in general)

*         Open Source conversations

Encryption Discussion and Storage Topics

*         So far the conversations have been a success in that we are using the listserv more and gleaning key insights, however...

*         2-3 weeks does seem to be the lifespan for these posts and more input/detail is needed before creating a summary document

*         Ideas: There is an open question about if the email discussions are an end in and of themselves or if we want to try and glean insights from them to more broadly distribute and invite further discussion. Here are two ideas for how this might further develop.

o   Making these conversations public, such as on the NDSA blog: In this case, we could invite further discussion and share the ideas and principles we are working from.

o   Bringing in outside voices to comment, annotate our conversations (Scott Bradnor, David Rosenthal, Nancy McGovern, Bob Chaddock at NARA, archival and records mgmt community, banking and movie industry -- all mentioned). Outside voices could help us see if we have missed identifying risks or strategies Value in taking it to the next level and having experts weigh in on it and have a forum for ongoing conversation.

*         Next topic: compression

*         Priscilla will frame the question. Potential starting points:

o   Is there an agreed-upon best practice for compression?

o   When they "tar up" an API, it isn't compressed.

o   Compression's impact on file structures as well as content.

o   Compression can be internal to a format or can be a wrapper.

o   Compression also ties into format migration and vendor-neutral storage questions.

OSS Conversation

*         It is clear that our group is not on the same page for what it is we want to do in and around open source software.

*         There were still questions about what our product should be. Do we want to produce guidelines, best practices, a list of considerations for systematic decisions on build, buy, adopt decision around preservation structure infrastructure? Do we want a checklist of a set of questions to ask when making decisions around open source software?

*         There were some good questions about scope: Do we want something summarizing common knowledge or something with more in-depth research and analysis? It was suggested that the former is really the only thing that is attainable, but it was also suggested that their may be something between the two.

*         There were still some big questions related to the extent to which this should focus soley and directly on OSS vs. other kinds of systems.

*         After all of these questions the group decided that this needed to go out to a small group of members to hash out and better define and bring back to the group. Trevor volunteered to send a message out to the list to recruit for a small action team which could put together a proposal for how the group can proceed.

Action items

*         Jefferson to aggregate/summarize all encryption comments on the wiki (and will move all full-text emails into a google doc)

*         Priscilla will formulate questions for the next conversation topic which will revolve around compression

*         Trevor will send a note to the list to start formulating an OSS criteria for decision-making

*         Next call will be Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 2pm EST


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