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NDSA-INFRASTRUCTURE  February 2013, Week 4

NDSA-INFRASTRUCTURE February 2013, Week 4


Re: Feedback for Digital Storage Survey


Gail Truman <[log in to unmask]>


The NDSA infrastructure working group list <[log in to unmask]>


Fri, 22 Feb 2013 17:46:21 -0700





text/plain (141 lines)

Hi all - I hope I am not too late, I was literally head in the cloud
last week on a new project...But it looks like this is still alive, and
I can weigh in?

I'd like to add more about the use of external cloud (to understand what
is missing from today's offerings or precluding them from adoption)

For the question "how are you using" - if you wanted to use a checklist,
then 2 would be "backup" and "archival copy" (I'm sure we can get more
granular here if others want to chime in). Another might be "behind
another application offered by a solution provider" (think of a client
who contracts with a VNA (vendor neutral archive in healthcare) who puts
some or all of the data in the cloud, or a client whose DAM vendor uses
the cloud.

Continuing on relating to questions 19/20 about external cloud, for 'is
your company using' - if they say yes, can we capture the name of the
cloud provider? And also can we collect if they are using block or
object cloud storage? (some vendors offer a choice) - and can we also
add in Glacier? (i.e. differentiate the Amazon cloud to include both S3
and Glacier).

I'd like to also get a feel for initial upload/ingest requirements for
cloud storage/archive use - (i.e. if they have several TB of data or
more, it gets massively time consuming over the WAN and hinders adoption
IMO). In this case, shipping physical media (FedEX or UPS) is faster.
Amazon offers this, not everyone does. And same for export - what are
their requirements if they want a bulk export of their stored (archived)
data from a cloud provider - ship a drive back? A tape? 

Perhaps question or two such as (feel free to wordsmith)...
"Are you using the WAN or physically shipping media to upload bulk
(large amounts of) content to the cloud" . And a way to capture any
notes - for example some services preclude this option (shipping media)
where it may be desired to seed the archive. 

For clouds I would also like to dig into the Service Level
Agreements/guarantees - for archive/preservation my feeling is that
"generic" cloud storage (I am not including DuraCloud in this) does not
offer the assurances. 

"What data durability assurances do cloud providers need to offer for
you to feel comfortable using the cloud for an offsite copy" (I ask
because Amazon, for example, claims 11x9s or 9x9s durability but I've
yet to see a guarantee in writing.


Gail Truman
Truman Technologies, LLC

Protecting the world's digital heritage for future generations

510 502 6497

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [NDSA-INFRASTRUCTURE] Feedback for Digital Storage Survey
From: "Padilla, Jose" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, February 22, 2013 1:14 pm
To: [log in to unmask]

Sorry about that. Here is the storage survey with the revisions made
thus far.- Ricky

-----Original Message-----
From: The NDSA infrastructure working group list
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
Padilla, Jose
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 4:09 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [NDSA-INFRASTRUCTURE] Feedback for Digital Storage Survey

Hello Everyone,

We've gotten some useful feedback and have already begun to apply some
of it. Attached is the revised Digital Storage Survey. Further
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I apologize for this email
being so extensive; below are a few points we would like Working Group's
feedback on:

§ Question 1: A suggestion was to add "Solid State Drives (SSD)" as an

§ Question 12: A possible change in wording to "more storage" could be
"The capability to extend storage capacity." This could clear some of
the ambiguity that was mentioned in the feedback. Does the WG feel this
removes the ambiguity while still asking the same question?

§ Questions 19-20: Ask whether the organization uses external/cloud
storage systems. A suggestion was to add a question which asks "how do
you use" external/cloud storage. First of all, is the WG interesting in
adding this question? Is there way to structure this question without it
being a free-answer question so the results gathered will be easier to

§ Suggested new question: "What technologies are you using to reduce
your storage costs?" This question could have check boxes or a menu of
options, with two possible choices being "data-duplication" and
"compression." If the WG is interested in this question then what are
some other options we could add?

I apologize again for the wordiness of this message, but thank you all
for taking the time to read it through. If you have any ideas on how we
should move forward please let us know.

José "Ricky" Padilla


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