LITA/ALCTS Linked Library Data Interest Group at the ALA Annual meeting,
Las Vegas. Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 8:30am to 10:00am. LVCC Room N237.
Add this session to your calendar:
Jon Phipps, of Metadata Management, will present a talk on:
RDA and LOD -- FTW or WTF? : A Fair and Balanced Point of View.
Is RDA just .the rules. or is it a robust bibliographic metadata model
designed specifically to support rich, FRBRized, distributed LOD that just
happens to come with several thousand .pages. of rules? What.s this
.unconstrained. stuff? Why does RDA RDF have URIs I can.t .read. and will
never remember (and what are lexical aliases)? Why are there so many
definitions for .Work. anyway? How is RDA handling versioning and
releases? How is RDA using Git and GitHub? Why does any of this matter to
my data and, more importantly, me? got questions? Maybe Jon Phipps has some answers (except for that
last one). Jon is a partner in Metadata Management Associates, a
consultancy specializing in, wait for it ... metadata management, and has
been collaborating with various groups of well-intentioned folks trying to
define RDA as a data model for what seems like centuries, and thinks that
quite recently the JSC has pretty much nailed it.
A question and answer period and a lively managed discussion will follow
the presentation.
Speaker biography: From an early start in the typesetting business writing
software to support data conversion and publishing, Jon wandered into the
Cornell portion of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) in late
2001 where they made the mistake of feeding him. Jon served as technical
lead for the NSDL Core Integration Group at Cornell and Co-PI of the
NSF-funded NSDL Registry (now the Open Metadata Registry (OMR)) and helped
build the ground-breaking metadata based infrastructure for the NSDL. He
has been involved in standards development, both within the Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative and as a member of the Semantic Web Deployment Working
Group. While working with the latter group, Jon was co-editor of the W3C
"SKOS Use Cases and Requirements" note, and co-editor of the update to the
W3C "Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies" technical
report. More recently, Jon has been contributing to the technical
infrastructure behind the new version of the Resource Description and
Access (RDA) standard.
--Theodore Gerontakos
Metadata/Cataloging Librarian
University of Washington Libraries
(206) 276-6209
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