Hello all,
DLF Assessment Interest Group working groups are launching their kickoff
meetings for 2022! We are excited to work with all of you-new and returning
members alike-on developing best practices, guidelines, and community
support in varied areas of assessment for digital libraries over the coming
year! You can expect to see emails from each working group
<https://www.diglib.org/groups/assessment/> over the course of the next
month with more information on what they do and how to join.
A friendly reminder that participation is open to anyone interested in
learning about or collaborating on the improvement of digital library
assessment. Affiliation with a DLF member institution is not required and no
assessment background is needed or assumed.
With appreciation,
Kate Flynn and Santi Thompson
DLF AIG co-facilitators
Kate Flynn
Portal Manager
Chicago Collections Consortium
Pronouns: she/her/hers
to manage your DLF-ANNOUNCE subscription, visit https://www.diglib.org/announce