Please join us for an HTRC update during the Indiana University Libraries' Digital Scholarship Series! Details below.
Updates from HathiTrust Research Center: (Some of) What We’re Working On
Ryan Dubnicek, HathiTrust Research Center / University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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January 18, 2023 | 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST
Herman B Wells Library, Hazelbaker Hall & via Zoom
This talk will discuss the context, methods and early results of a few of the projects underway at the HathiTrust Research Center, including: using machine learning to detect and classify English-language fiction and Black Fantastic literature, exploratory computational study of Native American-authored literature, and updates on the production of new datasets to further cultural analytics research. The HathiTrust Research Center is the research branch of the HathiTrust, with the mission of facilitating research use of the 17.6 million-item HathiTrust Digital Library. HTRC is co-hosted by PTI and the iSchool at University of Illinois.
The Wednesday Noon Digital Scholarship Series is held Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 pm EST. The complete schedule, including abstracts, is available at: Register for each session for more information, including access to the Zoom link.
For full Wednesday Noon Digital Scholarship Series schedule, please visit
Janet Swatscheno
Associate Director for Outreach and Education, HTRC
Digital Scholarship Librarian, HathiTrust
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