The Cost Assessment subgroup of the DLF Assessment Interest Group is sunsetting. The work of the group can still be found in the group's wiki ( and its OSF page ( The interest of the group has expanded beyond cost to digitization practices. The newly created Digitization Interest Group is excited to welcome new members. The group is open to anyone interested in joining; DLF membership is not required.
If you are interested in joining this community of practice, please email the new coordinator for the group, Paula Kiser ([log in to unmask]) by February 3rd, including DLF Digitization Interest Group in the subject line. The monthly meetings have not yet been scheduled and she will send out a scheduling poll on February 4th. Even if you were a member of the Cost Assessment group, please still email Paula to share your interest.
The Digitization Interest Group is a community of practice that provides a forum for discourse related to digitization. There are a variety of answers to how to digitize an item. Digitization technology is ever evolving and programmatic factors can be complex in their influence on our decision making. This group monitors, curates, develops, and shares strategies related to logistical approaches to reformatting different types of content and media.
The goals/objectives of the group are to:
Grow a community of practice and provide a forum for discourse related to digitization.
Explore a variety of practices and workflows and keep abreast of new developments related to the digitization of a wide variety of media and formats such as still images, documents, audiovisual materials, 3-D content, etc.
Develop resources and strategies to support digitization programs.
The group is seeking another coordinator to help facilitate the meetings. This is a great opportunity for someone interested in growing their leadership skills.
Paula Kiser
DLF AIG Cost Assessment Co-coordinator (former)
DLF Digitization Interest Group Coordinator (current)
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