

Dear all - thank you to all who participated in the Spring Forum in New
York earlier in the month, and made it such a splendid, lively,
stimulating event.

For those who attended - and for those who did not - Jerry George's
summary is now on the Forum's website -

And then ... Mark your calendars!

* Fall Forum 2003: Sheraton Old Town, Albuquerque, NM, November 17-19,

* Spring Forum 2004: InterContinental Hotel, New Orleans, LA, April
19-21, 2004.

(French Quarter Festival is April 16-18 for those who can go early).

And it won't be too long before we will be soliciting papers and panels
for the Fall Forum.

Yours, on behalf of the DLF Forum Program Committee,


David Seaman

Executive Director, Digital Library Federation

1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 500

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