

On 1/26/04 6:16 PM, "Binkley, Peter" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Edmonton Public Library wrote a Cold Fusion app to allow this - go here:
> Harry+Potter+and+the+Order+of+the+Phoenix&srchfield1=TI^TITLE^TITLES^Title+P
> rocessing^&match_on=EXACT&library=ALL
> Click on the second record (the book version), then click "Write a review"
> in the box on the right. They've kept it dead simple; I imagine it wouldn't
> be hard to adapt a threaded-discussion package to add the extra features you
> mention.

Peter, very nice! Thank you for sharing. In general, do you get the
impression the review service is well received by your patrons?

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame