

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:47:38 -0500, Hickey,Thom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I've been trying some of this out ever since I saw Google Suggest and
> heard about GMail.  One of the things you can do with a modest amount of
> JavaScript is to have some iframes on your page that you push URLs into.
> The nice thing about this is that XSLT works, the back button works,
> etc., as opposed to the XMLHttpRequest where it's not automatic.  My
> latest page had 30+ iframes on it.  I was a little disappointed when I
> hit the back button, and only one iframe at a time changed -- makes
> backing up a bit of a problem!

Why did you need the 30 iframes?  Do you have than many concurrent data fetchs?

But yeah, IFrames are only really a good user experience if each
IFrame navigation is equivalent to one user-observable action or
screen change.