

Ok, this is my last message tonight I swear. Bill asked for a dozen
possible titles,

"Ed Summers on being a programming heretic" (actually, pick any 12
programming topics, insert Ed's name in front, and that's an easy dozen)
"What's wrong with my CMS, and probably yours too"
"Options for label printing" (no kidding, it is these kind of nitty gritty
applications that fall through the cracks in major publications, yet end
up consuming huge amounts of resources)
"Our project was a complete disaster, and this is exactly what we did
"Framework shootout: a user comments system in 10 frameworks, from 10
contributors, with comments available in each solution"
"How to index and make available documents handed to you in some weird
"Printing solutions for laptops"
"Hitting CPU Limits, when to think about threading"
"Federated searching benchmarks: 5 targets, 5 solutions, 1 common
"Normalizing call numbers for sorting and other fun activities"
"Talking to your admin people about dspace"
"How to whiteboard effectively and convince others you don't need therapy"
