

You lost me at the "slash"...but seriously, I recommend a slight
rephrasing of Mike Reid's line as the official journal tag line: "lib
fast, dev young, and leave good looking code". But then I've always
been a sucker for such shenanigans.

On May 4, 2006, at 6:55 AM, David J. Fiander wrote:

> K.G. Schneider wrote:
>> Particularly since one librarian's solidus is another librarian's
>> virgule...
> "Solidus" is the name given to the glyph by ISO in it's character set
> documents, as I recall, although I don't have a reference close at
> hand.
> Interestingly, Wikipedia claims that the solidus and the virgule are
> typographically distinct, with the solidus being "significantly more
> oblique than the virgule."  But then, it goes on to say that we use
> the
> virgule in our URLs, since that's what we get on the keyboard.[1]
> [1] See the last paragraph of the section "English" in the entry
> "Slash
> (punctuation)"
> #English
> --
> David J. Fiander
> Digital Services Librarian