


I'll attend the pre-conference. Please let me know if anything changes. Thanks for coordinating this!


Systems Librarian,
Bibliothèque J.N. Desmarais Library
Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne

Phone: 705-675-1151 x3315

>>> On 11/27/2006 at 2:37 PM, Bess Sadler <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Since the request I sent out last week, I've received quite a lot of
> email expressing interest in a lucene pre-conference, but it hasn't
> been an overwhelming amount. Based on this, I think it's safe to
> reserve the smaller, wi-fi enabled room that we've been discussing,
> and to plan for a max of 40 - 50 people. The group consensus seems to
> be that we do not need to charge a registration fee, although there
> have been requests for refreshments during the afternoon session, so
> maybe during lunch we can take up a collection and send someone out
> for donuts.
> Here is my proposal for a pre-conference format:
> A full day event devoted to lucene and solr, led by Erik Hatcher. The
> morning will be devoted to background and theory, and the afternoon
> will be an opportunity to try some hands-on projects. Participants
> should either bring a wi-fi enabled laptop or be prepared to look
> over someone else's shoulder. So that we can get as much accomplished
> in the workshop as possible, we will provide a list of software and
> documentation to be downloaded before the workshop. If you are
> interested in working with a specific data set, please bring the data
> set with you, preferably on a sharable media format (e.g., CDROM, USB
> Flash Drive) so that we can exchange data sets quickly and easily. To
> save time at the event, please get your data into XML before the
> conference.
> Enough people are interested in ILS related topics that it might be
> worth forming groups around specific ILS products. If you are one of
> these people, email the list if you're interested in setting up such
> a thing.
> To keep things simple, maybe registration can consist of just an
> email to me? But we will need to put something on the conference
> registration website, and send a message to everyone who has already
> registered in case they are not also on the code4lib mailing list.
> This would be the day before the conference proper, so that's Feb 27,
> right?
> Comments? Suggestions?
> Bess
> Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler
> Head, Technical and Metadata Services
> Digital Scholarship Services
> Box 400129
> Alderman Library
> University of Virginia
> Charlottesville, VA 22904
> [log in to unmask]
> (434) 243-2305