

I'm developing a Patron Self Registration system for our Virtua
installation and I have run into a problem. Virtua stores patron
records in a pseudo-MARC format. This means that records can be
loaded with the vload.exe which is also used for loading bib/holding/
item MARC records aswell. Only, I seem to have a bug in my MARC file
generation and I can't get any decent verbose information as to where
the bug may be.

Are there any MARC File validation tools about? I'm running OS X but
have access to XP and a variety of Linux/UNIX boxes too.

Dan Field <[log in to unmask]>                   Ffôn/Tel. +44 1970 632 582
Datblygwr Systemau                                     Systems Developer
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru                   National Library of Wales