

This may sound like a stupid question, so the issue is that the files aren't be generated at all?  Or are the files actually be generated, but something is wrong with your apache configuration so that you can't access the webpage?

That's the first thing that pops into my head.  I haven't looked at the script too closely though.  I'd step through it step by step and see what files are getting created/destroyed.

Also, use
$!/usr/bin/perl -w

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:53:56 -0500
>From: "Iglesias, Edward G. (Library)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: [CODE4LIB] perl question
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Okay,  I should be able to solve this on my own but I can't.  I've had
>to move to a new web server and can't get an old script to work.  All it
>does is convert a fund activity report to a web page.  It worked fine on
>the old server.  I updated the directory paths and checked permissions.
>All are fine.  What's more I don't get an error.  It just works and
>returns nothing.  Any help would be appreciated.
>###### usage: cat inputfile |
>while ($_ = <STDIN>) {
>        $input=$_;
>        chop($input);
>        $fundcode=substr($input,0,5);
>        $fundcode=~ s/ //g;
>        $input=~ tr/\"//;
>        $input=~ tr/\'//;
>#       $input=~ tr/,/\t/;
>        $input=~s/REPORT,/REPORT  /g;
>        $input=~s/   /  /g;
>        @in=split(/  /,$input);
>#       @fund=$in[0];
>        if($i=="0"){
>        $final=$in[3].".html";
>        open (OUT,">>body.txt") || die "I am not able to write to file";
>        open (HEAD,">>head.txt") || die "not able to open temp header";
>        print HEAD "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Fund Activity
>Report</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><TABLE border=1><tr><td><strong>Fund Activity
>Reports:   $in[3]</strong></td></tr><TR><td valign='top'><a
>        $i=99;
>        }
>        print HEAD "<a href='#$fundcode'>$fundcode</a>&nbsp;\n";
>        print OUT "<strong><a name='$fundcode'>Fund: <u>$in[0]</u>
></a>FundInfo: <u>$in[1] $in[2]</u></strong><br>\n";
>        else {
>        print OUT "<pre>$_</pre>\n";
>        }
>} #### end while stdin
>print HEAD "</td></tr></table><br><br>\n"; print OUT "</body></html>\n";
>close OUT; close HEAD;
>#$outfile=~tr/ /_/;
>print "$outfile\n";
>system "cat head.txt body.txt > /data/www/htdocs/fundlist/$final";
>system "rm head.txt";
>system "rm body.txt";
>opendir(DIR, "/public_html");
>        open (OUT,"> /data/www/htdocs/fundlist/index.html") || die "I am
>not able to write to file"; print OUT ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Fund List
>print OUT ("<h4>Directory Listing</h4>\n");
>while($file = readdir(DIR) ) {
>print OUT ("<A HREF=\"$file\">$file<br>\n");
>print OUT ("</body></html>\n");
>close (OUT);
>Edward Iglesias
>Systems Librarian
>Central Connecticut State University