

 TEI Members' Meeting
 Date: 6-8 November 2008
 Venue: King's College London, UK
 Host: Centre for Computing in the Humanities

 Conference Website:

 The Programme Committee of the TEI Members' Meeting invites individual 
 proposals for presentations on the theme, broadly conceived, 'TEI:
 Supporting Cultural Heritage Research'. Proposals may be for individual 
 paper presentations, panel sessions or poster sessions (including tool 
 demonstrations). This year's meeting will feature three days of keynote 
 lectures, parallel sessions, the annual TEI business meeting, a poster 
 session/tools demonstration and slam, as well as a full meeting day (8
 November) for TEI Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

 We are especially pleased to announce keynote talks by Vanda Broughton 
 (University College London), Dino Buzzetti (University of Bologna), and 
 Charlotte Roueche (King's College London).

 Please join us in participating in this 21st anniversary meeting of the 

 ** Submission Topics **

 Topics might include but are not restricted to:

 - TEI-based projects involving cultural heritage

 - Using TEI to create:
      - scholarly editions
      - hybrid publications (digital and print)

 - Tools that use TEI

 - TEI used in conjunction with:
      - different technologies
      - other standards

 - TEI as:
      - metadata standard
      - interchange format: sharing, mapping and migrating data

 - TEI and its contribution to digital scholarship

 - TEI and markup theory

 In addition, we are seeking P5 micropaper proposals for 5 minute
 presentations on the topic "My favourite (or least favourite) P5
 feature, chapter, or addition".

 ** Submission Types **

 Individual paper presentations will be allocated 30 minutes: 20
 minutes for delivery, and 10 minutes for questions & answers.

 Panel sessions will be allocated 1.5 hours and may be of varied
 formats, including:

   - Three paper panels: 3 papers on the same or related topics;

   - Working paper session: 3-6 papers circulated and read by the
     audience in advance, so the entire session is dedicated to
     discussion of and questions & answers about, the papers rather
     than presenting the papers;

   - Round table discussion: 3-6 presenters on a single theme. Ample
     time should be left for questions & answers after brief

 Posters (including tool demonstrations) will be presented during the
 poster session. The local organizer will provide flip charts and
 tables for poster session/tool demonstration presenters, along with
 wireless internet access. Each poster will have the opportunity to
 participate in a slam immediately preceding the poster session.

 P5 micropapers will be allocated 5 minutes.

 For submission procedures, please see

 All proposals should be submitted at by 30
 April 2008.

 Please send queries to the [log in to unmask]