

The announcement for the basic LMSI I is forthcoming, as well as, the
URL for the website of the LMSI II.



ADVANCED Library Management Skills

Institute II: The Management Process


Registration | Lodging, Parking & Directions Links
Program | Speaker Biographies | Institute Home|University Libraries Home

June 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2008 

Standish Room, 3rd Floor of the Science Library, University at Albany,
Main Campus 

In this four-day advanced intensive learning event, participant focus on
the organization as a whole and the individual's roles in it. Based on
the principles of organizational learning, this Institute stresses the
impact of individual and team learning on overall effectiveness.
Participants will learn and practice key principles of organizational

Institute focuses on: 

*       Ability to see patterns, systematic cause/effect, and understand
the importance and nature of the organization as a system 
*       Understanding of external and internal impact on organizational
*       Developing and communicating a shared vision and understanding
individual roles on organizational effectiveness 
*       Best practices of management techniques 

Subjects covered:

*       Personal mastery 
*       Mental models 
*       Systems thinking 
*       Team learning 
*       Leadership 
*       Values 

Who Should Attend?

*       Those seeking advanced management skills 
*       Library administrators/supervisors/team leaders 

Is this Institute right for me?

*       Ability to commit four full days ( 9am - 5pm) 
*       Willingness to participate in large & small group discussions,
experiential activities, and self-assessment 
*       Interest in learnings new skills and approaches 

The advanced ARL Library Management Skills Institute II: The Management
Process will take place June 10, 11, 12 and 13 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
in the Standish Room on the third floor of the Science Library.
Registration is $ 750.00 for employees of ARL and SUNY Libraries, $
850.00 for employees of non-ARL Libraries and includes a reception on
June 10, lunch and afternoon refreshments each day. Please register by
May 2, 2008 to reserve a seat. A minimum of 30 registrants is necessary
for this Institute to proceed. 

For further information contact Anna Z. Radkowski-Lee at 518 - 442 -
3574, email: [log in to unmask] 




Anna Z. Radkowski-Lee

Library Personnel Officer

University Libraries - LI 111

University at Albany, SUNY

1400 Washington Avenue

Albany, New York 12222

(518) 442-3574 phone

(518) 442-3567 fax