

I know my suggestion is probably filled with copyright infringements but
you could use your Amazon API to get links to all of their images. Your
url would look something like this:[your_api_code]&Operation=ItemSearch&SearchIndex=Blended&Keywords=[upc_code]ResponseGroup=Images

Using the 024 will usually generate a unique result and then you can
choose from a variety of image sizes.  I have a kind of API of an API
service running at as an example.  Simply enter a UPC or ISBN
and you get back an xml file with cover link and product link. Small,
medium (default) and large images are available by adding s, m or l at
the end of the UPC.


Simspons Movie--
Simpsons Movie (small image)--

The product link is supplied to somewhat fulfill Amazon's requirements
to link to their items.

Charles Ledvina

Ken Irwin wrote:
> Hi folks,
> With some limitations, the Google Books API allows folks to access book
> covers for free. (How's that working out? Anyone having luck with it?)
> -- what about movie/DVD/VHS covers? Are there any free sources for those
> images?
> I'd like to work up a virtual-browsing interface for our library's
> pretty small collection of feature films, and I'd love to include
> covers. Any ideas on how I might get them? Anyone else doing this?
> Thanks
> Ken
> --
> Ken Irwin
> Reference Librarian
> Thomas Library, Wittenberg University