

Hi folks,

I've got a homegrown piece of software that I'll be presenting at a 
conference in a few weeks (to track title & call-number request 
histories using III's InnReach module). I'm trying to package it up in 
such a way that other users will be able to use the software too, and 
I've never done this before.

Is there any open-source or otherwise freely-available software to 
handle the installation of a LAMP-type product:

- displaying readme type information until everything's set up
- creating databases
- creating data tables (in this case, with a dynamic list of fields 
depending on some user input)
- loading up some pre-determined data into database tables
- editing the config file variables

I could make this up myself, but I wonder if someone has genericized 
this process. (I'm particularly concerned about how to effectively 
pre-load the data tables, not assuming the user has command-line mysql 

Any ideas?


Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University