

On 10/2/08 10/2/08 € 2:39 PM, "Jenn Riley" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Thanks for the link, Roy. I hadn't taken the time to look this far into the
> Grid Services terms of use. One thing stuck out to me, though. What does
> "Library members that do ***all*** their cataloging with an OCLC subscription"
> mean? The "all" part is what doesn't make sense to me on first read.

Thanks for asking. We agreed that the wording is perhaps not the best, so we
changed it to "Library members that contribute all current cataloging and
holdings to WorldCat" which we think gets more at what we mean. That is, the
important thing is that you contribute information about what you have to
the common pool. Thanks for spurring us to make this change and we hope that
clarifies our intent. Thanks,