

Dear Colleagues:

There's only 1 week left before the deadline to submit presentation proposals. Please see below for details.


Barrie Howard
Program Manager
Mobile: +1-202-436-4749


DLF Spring Forum 2009: Raleigh, North Carolina
1:00 p.m., Monday, May 4, 2009 –
1:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Raleigh Marriott City Center
500 Fayetteville Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601


Call for Presentation Proposals

Monday, March 2, 2009

Members of DLF and other institutions with expressed interest are invited to submit proposals for papers, panels, and birds-of-a-feather sessions in support of the DLF mission to enable new research and scholarship of its members, students, scholars, lifelong learners, and the general public by developing an international network of digital libraries.

Proposals for papers, panels, and birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions should be submitted by close of business in your time zone on Monday, March 2, 2009 via this link <>.

Proposals on a range of thematic interests are welcome, and proposals that relate to the following themes are encouraged:
Network scale services and linked data initiatives
Metrics and measurement approaches for validating digital efforts

DLF strongly encourages presentations that intend to expose problems within a thematic area, make plain what others can learn from the experience of the presenter(s), and catalyze further discussion.

Proposals for papers should be brief (250 words or less) and supply a title, the name of the author(s), and a short abstract. Each paper shares a 90-minute time slot with one or two other papers on similar topics. Papers are alloted 20 or 35 minutes.

Proposals for panel discussions should include a title for the panel, a brief outline of the panel's purpose, the panelists' names, short descriptions of their respective contributions, and a statement of how the panelists' presentations fit together into a logical whole. Panels are alloted 35 or 80 minutes.

Proposals for birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions should include a title, facilitator’s name (use author field on submission form), and the purpose and intended outcomes of the session in ca. 250-words. These provide for informal discussion between interested parties on a specific topic. The duration for BOF sessions is 60 minutes.

Please submit requests for meetings for DLF affiliated groups or initiatives pre- and post-Forum meetings directly to Jaime Moore <jmoore "at" diglib "dot" org>. Indicate preferred date and duration, equipment required, number of attendees.
