

Code4lib Northwest is returning to  White Stag in Portland on June 7, 2010!

Code4Lib Northwest connects developers, innovators, and problem
solvers so they can share information about projects, trends and
technologies. Most importantly, it seeks to develop a community where
people share information and experience and collaborate on work
towards common goals.

If you weren't able to attend last year or are unfamiliar with the
format, you're in for a treat. Mix it up with some the best library
technologists in the PNW! If you want to find out what people are up
to, this is the place. The format is patterned after code4lib, so
presentations are are either 5 or 20 minutes. By keeping things short,
a wide variety of ideas can be presented even those at early stages of
development.  Interaction is maximized so you get to learn about what
really interests you.

Event Information:

When:  June 7th, 2010
Start: 9 AM
End: 4:00 PM
Where:  White Stag, Portland, Oregon
Cost:  $50 (primarily to cover snacks, refreshments and lunch for the group)
Size:  Facility can accommodate approximately 60 participants.

Registration and proposal details to follow soon!


If you have questions, you can send them to either Terry Reese
([log in to unmask]), Kyle Banerjee ([log in to unmask]) or
submit them to the pnwcode4lib Google Group.


Kyle Banerjee
Digital Services Program Manager
Orbis Cascade Alliance
[log in to unmask] / 503.999.9787