

I'm interested presenting something Solr+library related at c4l10.   
I'm soliciting ideas from the community on what angle makes the most  
sense.  At first I was thinking a regular conference talk proposal,  
but perhaps a preconference session would be better.  I could be game  
for a half day session.  It could be either an introductory Solr  
class, get up and running with Solr (+ Blacklight, of course).  Or  
maybe a more advanced session on topics like leveraging dismax, Solr  
performance and scalability tuning, and so on, or maybe a freer form  
Solr hackathon session where I'd be there to help with hurdles or  
answer questions.

Thoughts?  Suggestions?   Anything I can do to help the library world  
with Solr is fair game - let me know.


On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:55 PM, Kevin S. Clarke wrote:

> Hi all,
> It's time again to collect proposals for Code4Lib 2010 preconference
> sessions.  We have space for six full day sessions (or 12 half day
> sessions (or some combination of the two)).  If we get more than we
> can accommodate, we'll vote... but I don't think we will (take that as
> a challenge to propose lots of interesting preconference sessions).
> Like last year, attendees will pay $12.50 for a half day or $25 for
> the whole day.  The preconference space will be in the hotel so we'll
> have wireless available.  If you have a preconference idea, send it to
> this list, to me, or to the code4libcon planning list.  We'll put them
> up on the wiki once we start receiving them.  Some possible ideas?  A
> Drupal in libraries session? LOD part two?  An OCLC webservices
> hackathon?  Send the proposals along...
> Thanks,
> Kevin