Here in OCLC Research we've been experimenting with AutoSuggester services. The folks in charge of our copy of LCSH are considering putting up an AutoSuggester for that. I'll let you know in the next couple of days how that goes. To make the service work at keystroke speeds, we've had to precalculate the responses and load them into a database of their own. We walk through the database that we're building the AutoSuggester for, pulling out 4-tuples of data: the term to be suggested, the recordID associated with the term (in case multiple terms might be suggested for the same record), a weight for the term and a string of other arbitrary data to send along with the recommendation (in the case of our VIAF AutoSuggester, that's a list of authority control numbers). Those tuples are then evaluated to generate a list of the 10 best terms that match each keystroke combination and that list is turned into a record and the keystroke combination is the key to that record. We then load those records into a simple text database indexing on the keystroke combination. We front-end that database with a simple service and we're done. The only downside to this scheme is that the AutoSuggester database is relatively static. Ralph > -----Original Message----- > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of > Ethan Gruber > Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 11:14 AM > To: [log in to unmask] > Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Auto-suggest and the LCSH web service > > It doesn't seem very efficient. It is taking me at least 30 seconds to load > a page of 'a*' in > > On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Houghton,Andrew <[log in to unmask]> > wrote: > > > > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On > Behalf Of > > > Winona Salesky > > > Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 11:00 AM > > > To: [log in to unmask] > > > Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Auto-suggest and the LCSH web > > > service > > > > > > Quoting Ethan Gruber <[log in to unmask]>: > > > > > > > I have a need to integrate the LCSH terms into a web form that uses > > > > auto-suggest to control the vocabulary. Is this technically possible > > > with > > > > the service? > > > > Why can't you just add a "*" to the end of the data in your search form > > and send the request to the search, per: > > > > <> > > > > then parse the response? > > > > > > Andy. > >