

With redundant power supplies and trunked network interfaces I could do it with zero downtime. But I'm lazy. :)

Ryan Ordway                           E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Unix Systems Administrator               [log in to unmask]
OSU Libraries, Corvallis, OR 97331    Office: Valley Library #4657

On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Joe Hourcle wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Ryan Ordway wrote:
>> I need to move the server that hosts the website into another rack to make room for some other equipment, when is a good time to do this?
> You power down machines when moving them?
> Oh, sure, do it the easy way.
> (After waiting 2 months for the university I was working for to approve a maintenance window, as we had a machine lift and the machine had two power taps, I ran an extension cord and a long ethernet cable, swapped them in, pulled the machine as far out of the rack as it'd extend on its rails, brought the lift up from under it, ejected it from the rails, rolled it out the way, moved the rails to the new rack, rolled the lift over to the new place, cranked the lift to the new height, re-ingaged the rails, and then swapped back to the new rack's power and patch panel.  Only ~ 2 min of downtime, and that was because the switch took 60 sec to test to make sure there wasn't a loop when you changed connections.)
> -Joe