

All social networks follow the same path.  They become popular and are then
inundated with spam.  Myspace still exists, but it is essentially "dead"
because it fails to grow its population.  When was the last time you saw a
movie trailer that provided a link to its myspace page?  At least three
years, probably.  You may not receive many spam messages through Facebook,
but the forced linking of your interests to official Facebook pages is the
beginning of the end for Facebook.  You may like Dave Matthews Band, and as
of a month or two ago they can send updates to your news feed every day,
regardless of whether you want updates from your interests or not.
Moreover, even if you remove all of your interests, that data is still
stored in Facebook's databases, and you'll still get recommendations to
follow things you used to follow.  Facebook is on the way out.  It's as
simple as that.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Genny Engel <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Seems to honor privacy settings, though.  Otherwise
> would retrieve WAY more
> records.
> Genny Engel
> >>> [log in to unmask] 06/21/10 03:31PM >>>
> For example:
> ranti.
> --
> Bulk mail.  Postage paid.