

Thanks, Diane.  I was looking over those links as well but getting 502 Bad Gateway errors. Maybe that's because of what you were saying about LC pulling them down.

I did re-read some examples from

If I understand this correctly, and I use marc relators that sub-properties of existing dc fields, I could do something like:

<dc xmlns:dcterms='' xmlns:xsi=''>
<dcterms:creator>Jane Creator</dcterms:creator>
<marcrel:ILL>Joe Illustrator</marcrel:ILL>

Illustrator is defined as a sub-property of creator.  Although the above document doesn't strike me as legal.  Don't I need to define the marc relation in a namespace somewhere? Or does the marcrel get nested in the dcterms:creator element?

Thanks in advance for the help...



-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries on behalf of Diane I. Hillmann
Sent: Thu 6/17/2010 5:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] dc xml with marc qualifiers

Dublin Core actually dealt with this about five years ago and has a 
section in its guidelines about the issue:

There has also been a fair amount of discussion on this on the list, because LC has pulled down some of the original links 
as they've started putting more data on that site, and now there's 
really no record of the information they had set up during the time the 
work with them and DCMI was done.

If it's of any interest, the RDA roles are built using this earlier work 
as a template, e.g., with the roles as properties, not attributes 

In any case, I'm thinking that your solution will be problematic, at a 
number of levels.  It won't be standard DC, for one thing.

Diane Hillmann

On 6/17/10 4:51 PM, Adam Wead wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question...  is it possible to use the dcterms element, but have an attribute that uses a different qualifier, like Marc?  So an element like<dcterms:creator>  could be qualified with a marc relator like<dcterms:creator marc_qualifier="Composer">
> This is probably a stupid question and I'm guessing this is not possible without doing it using rdf or something.  My xml schema knowledge is really rusty.
> anyway, thanks in advance...
> ...adam
> Rock&  Roll: (noun) African American slang dating back to the early 20th Century. In the early 1950s, the term came to be used to describe a new form of music, steeped in the blues, rhythm&  blues, country and gospel. Today, it refers to a wide variety of popular music -- frequently music with an edge and attitude, music with a good beat and --- often --- loud guitars.© 2005 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
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Rock & Roll: (noun) African American slang dating back to the early 20th Century. In the early 1950s, the term came to be used to describe a new form of music, steeped in the blues, rhythm & blues, country and gospel. Today, it refers to a wide variety of popular music -- frequently music with an edge and attitude, music with a good beat and --- often --- loud guitars.© 2005 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
This communication is a confidential and proprietary business communication. It is intended solely for the use of the designated recipient(s). If this communication is received in error, please contact the sender and delete this communication.