Hi, A couple of you on the list may have been at the EAC-CPF: Moving forward with Authority thing at NARA today. I can't post a link to the demo site yet, but all the source for my part of the EAC-CPF XTF prototype for the Social Networking in Archival Context project http://socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/ is at http://bitbucket.org/btingle/cpf2html/wiki/Home These are libraries I'm investigating for visualization of the social network. -> http://tingletech.tumblr.com/tagged/visualization Protovis' Arc Diagrams and Matrix Diagrams look the most interesting to me right now, but I'm also interested in making the network graph visualization interactive so one can explore dynamically the areas they are interested in. http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/arc.html http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/matrix.html Right now there is limited support for the creation of graphviz .dot file from search results that can be feed to neato Ed Summers was asking me during a break today about support for embedded linked data in the HTML view of the EAC record. I have to admit I'm a bit of a linked data skeptic, but I'd be interested to explore how we could better support interoperability with linked data initiatives in the prototype. If anyone has EAC records they are playing with and would like to try this out I'd love to hear any feedback you might have on the code and learn of any issues there might be with your EAC records (I've tried to base it off the tag library as much as possible, but I've only tested it with the EAC Daniel has been creating from EAD). -- Brian