Another O'Reilly book, this one free: (it says "iPhone Apps" but it's actually about websites optimized for iPhone) Jeff Karlsen Off-Campus Librarian Sacramento City College (916) 558-2583 |-----Original Message----- |From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of |Doran, Michael D |Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:47 PM |To: [log in to unmask] |Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mobile web design: resources? | |Hi Ken, | |> Does anyone else have a favorite book or three for this kind of work? | |If you're looking for web page and web app development vs. native app |development, you might want to consider these books: | | Mobile Design and Development: Practical concepts and techniques for |creating mobile sites and web apps | By Brian Fling | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Released: August 2009 | | | Programming the Mobile Web | By Maximiliano Firtman | Publisher: O'Reilly Media | Released: July 2010 | | |I just bought copies of both, but won't get to read them until I return |from vacation in September, so can't provide any reviews yet... | |You'll also probably want to investigate some of the freely-available |mobile web development frameworks like iUI, iWebKit, and jQTouch. Note |that some of the documentation on the iPhone developers website focuses |on *web* development and is excellent. | |Also be aware that for cross-platform mobile testing and development, |the various mobile device SDKs (e.g. for iPhone, Android, Palm OS) come |with simulators. | |-- Michael | |# Michael Doran, Systems Librarian |# University of Texas at Arlington |# 817-272-5326 office |# 817-688-1926 mobile |# [log in to unmask] |# | | |> -----Original Message----- |> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf |Of Ken |> Irwin |> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:55 AM |> To: [log in to unmask] |> Subject: [CODE4LIB] mobile web design: resources? |> |> Hi all, |> |> Forking off from the mobile-detection thread: |> |> Does anyone have any favorite books, articles, websites, etc. for the |real |> "how to" business of building mobile-friendly websites. I have been |astonished |> at the apparent dearth of such books, and was delighted earlier this |year to |> discover Jonathan Stark's Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and |JavaScript |> from O'Reilly (2010); he has an Android-oriented version of the book |coming |> out soon too. Although the book contains a lot about designing web |pages, the |> app-building orientation of the book means that it gives short shrift |to |> cross-platform compatibility. What I really want to find is a good |guide to |> "building simple websites that will work on any smartphone, yea, |verily, even |> BlackBerry." (I don't know about anyone else, but I have found BB to |not |> support a lot of things that work well on Droids and iThings.) |> |> For a shorter introduction, I belatedly discovered this article: |> Mobile Websites With Minimum Effort. |> Authors: Wisniewski, Jeff |> Source: Online; Jan/Feb2010, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p54-57, 4p |> |> The number-one thing that I learned from Stark's book is something |that I had |> struggled for the longest time with: why does my iThing make all web |pages |> look tiny? The answer: iThings assume that all web pages are 980px |wide, and |> you've got to disabuse them of that notion by the simple expedient of |defining |> a viewport in the page header: |> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> |> (there are several variations of this, and knowing the key word helps |to find |> the rest.) |> |> Does anyone else have a favorite book or three for this kind of work? |> |> Ken