

The DLF Forum Birds of a Feather(BoF) Sessions have always been a great way to generate interest in a topic, share information, and create new collaborations.

At the 2010 DLF Fall Forum, the  Birds of  Feather sessions will be taking place on Tuesday, November 2nd, after a quick refreshment break at 5:45.

Please see page 10 of the full program for more details:

Currently, six BoF sessions are scheduled, but there is always room for a few more!

The Program Planning Committee recommends using the online Birds of a Feather Discussion Forum ( to generate additional BoF session ideas and recruit participants.

The online forum is a great way for BoF session leaders and participants to get the conversations started even before the Fall Forum begins and to continue the discussion afterwards.

If you are attending the Fall Forum, I encourage you to sign up for the DLF Discussion Forums (  as we will be using this tool to post late breaking changes, information about logistics, and supplementary program materials.

Please Contact Brian Leney to sign up at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Forum,

Rachel L. Frick

Rachel L. Frick, MSLS
Director, Digital Library Federation Program
Council on Library and Information Resources
1752 N Street NW  Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036-2909
p: 202.939.4758