

I had a similar response. If the shared computer is exactly like mine,
I might consider it.

I have used a gadget called a TwinPact that sits between the 'puter
and the projector and sucks out the video. It also has primitive, but
useful, switching between sources and audio integration.


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Naomi Dushay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hopefully, this doesn't sound snotty.  Talk transitions can get bogged down
> ... but maybe there's a better way?  Make sure the connections for all types
> are up there.  - Naomi
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Naomi Dushay <[log in to unmask]>
>> Date: January 13, 2011 3:32:15 PM PST
>> To: "Porter, Dot" <[log in to unmask]>
>> Cc: "McDonald, Robert H." <[log in to unmask]>
>> Subject: Re: Important information and questions for Code4Lib Presenters
>> I'm sorry if this creates a wrinkle for you, but I do not intend to use an
>> assigned, shared laptop for my presentation.
>> My presentation is not fully written yet, but I will not be solely
>> stepping through powerpoint slides - far from it.  I intend to run code
>> during my presentation:  I need my laptop to do this - it has all the
>> programming software I need for it to work:  the correct versions of ruby
>> and gems and so on.  If I'm brave, I might even write some code as part of
>> my presentation.
>> I would fervently hope that other presenters will be doing the same - they
>> certainly have in the past.
>> Beyond this, I am happy to be recorded, for my presentation to be
>> considered public property and to use whichever microphone picks up my voice
>> best (and works for my height and my outfit).
>> - Naomi
>> On Jan 13, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Porter, Dot wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> You are scheduled to present a talk at Code4Lib, to be held in
>>> Bloomington IN February 8-10 (conference
>>> program:
>>> All talks will be streamed, and following the conference the video will
>>> be deposited in the Internet Archive and IU ScholarWorks (IU’s research
>>> repository). We’ll need your permission both to stream and to deposit, and
>>> at some point you’ll be provided with a permission form. Please let me know
>>> now if you don’t intend to give permission to stream and/or to have your
>>> talk deposited.
>>> There are several logistical issues related to the video streaming.
>>> 1)      In order to minimize technical problems mid-session, and to
>>> ensure smooth transitions between speakers, we’ll be loading presentation
>>> materials on the presentation laptops prior to each session. You should come
>>> to the session in which you are scheduled 20 minutes early, with your
>>> presentation materials loaded on a USB drive (or be prepared to download
>>> your materials from the web), so we’re sure to have time to download
>>> everyone’s stuff. If you prefer to run your presentation straight from your
>>> USB key we can do that as well, just let me know. There will be volunteers
>>> contacting each session’s group of speakers the week before the conference
>>> to remind you of this. Please contact me now if you think this requirement
>>> will be an issue for you.
>>> 2)      In order to have a successful recording, you’ll need to be mic’d.
>>> Please let me know if you’d prefer to use the podium mic or a lapel mic.
>>> Generally, if you like to move around a lot when you speak, you’re better
>>> off using the lapel mic.
>>> 3)      Related to the previous point – will your presentation include
>>> audio from the laptop? If so, please let me know.
>>> Thanks very much. We’re looking forward to having you here next month!
>>> Dot
>>> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
>>> Dot Porter (MA, MSLS)
>>> Associate Director for Digital Library Content & Services
>>> Digital Library Program
>>> Indiana University Bloomington
>>> Herman B Wells Library W501
>>> Phone: 812-855-8758
>>>          Email: [log in to unmask]
>>> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company