

On Jul 19, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Ralph LeVan wrote:

> Where at all possible, I want a true REST interface.  I recognize that
> sometimes you need to use POST to send data, but I've found it very helpful
> to be able to craft URLs that can be shared that contain a complete request.

But there's more than just the URL that's used in REST.  As it uses
HTTP, you could vary the response based on the Accept-Language or
Accept headers.

Some implementations use file extensions in place of Accept, but
then you're assigning URIs to the container and not the contents.
Am I trying to identify the data, or the data formatted as XML?

Language is a bit messier, as it's the content, but when we're
looking up something like in Dewey ... are we trying to identify the
DDC 600s, or specifically the German labels for the 600s?
packs it in the URL:

But am I supposed to know that the english and french don't
share the same root as the german?

Some groups will then put this in either as part of the QUERY_STRING
or pass it in via PATH_INFO. 
