

On 29 July 2011 14:00, Cowles, Esme <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I think most of the focus on C in this discussion is because that's what the OP had available.  The consensus seems to be: C isn't the language you would pick if you had your choice, but if that's what's available, it's a fine language to use to learn the fundamentals, and you can learn the rest later.

Most important: learning a programming language is not the same thing
as learning to program.  If your course has a good teacher, then you
will learn to program, whatever the language.  Applying the concepts
and principles that you learn to some other programming language down
the line will be easy, relatively speaking.

Learn to program.  Take a COBOL or FORTRAN course if that's what's on
offer.  Just become a programmer.  After that, it's all just minor

-- Mike.