

Hi Owen - I am doing a paper on FRBR, RDF, and linked data, so this thread
is very helpful for me. Can you describe the issue with musical materials
in MARC and FRBR's impact on them?
TIA, Laura

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:00 AM, Owen Stephens <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> That said, I believe we need absolutely to be aiming for a world in which
> we work with mixed ontologies - no matter what we do other, relevant, data
> sources will use FOAF, Bibo etc.. I'm convinced that this gives us the
> opportunity to stop treating what are very mixed materials in a single way,
> while still exploiting common properties. For example Musical materials are
> really not well catered for in MARC, and we know there are real issues with
> applying FRBR to them - and I see the implementation of RDF/Linked Data as
> an opportunity to tackle this issue by adopting alternative ontologies
> where it makes sense, while still assigning common properties (dc:title)
> where this makes sense.
L.B. Johnson
Library Tech Program Student
City College of San Francisco

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