

One possibility for this is the InDiCo conference management system produced by CERN which was used for the 2005 ELAG meeting. It has been used by hundreds of other conferences and workshops since then. It is open source and written in Python. So it could be adapted/extended to specific C4L needs - like time diverse registration and the like. See what conferences it is managing at Software details at It is possible CERN would allow C4L management on its servers. If not, and it moved host from year to year, at least the functionality and features would be the same and could be incrementally enhanced as C4L requirements evolved, and there would be some (lingering) expertise in its use.


> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:08 PM, David Friggens <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I think the thing that would move these ideas along is for someone to write the registration system
> that we're talking about (or find one that does what we want that we could repurpose).  In my humble
> opinion, ideas that require more manual work on the part of the
> host(s) are less likely to happen; but, if there was a system that would do what we want (and handle
> the crush of registration), I think the community would happily jump behind it -- registration has
> always been an issue.
> So, that said, I'll take one step backword and let someone else step forward (by standing still) to
> volunteer to write it... as they say, "running code wins."
> Kevin