Hello, Please join us for the Digital Humanities (DH) & Libraries THATCamp on November 3, 2012 in Denver, Colorado. The DH and Libraries THATCamp will provide a venue to explore on-going conversations about strategic partnerships and services libraries are uniquely situated to offer to the digital humanities arena, moving away from a support model to a truly collaborative framework in which librarians foster and contribute to DH as experts and scholars in their own right. The format is wide-open, from demos and working sessions to discussions and strategizing sessions. Our hope is that we generate a diversity of session topics and session formats so that we can each walk away with something tangible to apply in our respective institutional context. The DH and Libraries THATCamp is open to anyone interested in the intersection of libraries and digital humanities work. This can include librarians and library staff, IT professionals, and administrators, as well as faculty and graduate students in library school and the humanities. If your library supports digital humanities or is interested in doing so, we encourage you to hang out with us for the day. The DH & Libraries THATCamp is hosted by the Digital Library Federation (DLF), and is part of the DLF Forum pre-conference series. The registration fee for the DH & Libraries THATCamp is $25 and will be collected at the door. Register for the DH & Libraries THATCamp here: <http://dhlib2012.thatcamp.org/register/>. We only have a few more slots left! For more information, please visit: <http://dhlib2012.thatcamp.org> or follow the twitter hashtags: #thatcamp #dhlib2012. Feel free to send questions to:[log in to unmask] Thanks, Michelle Dalmau DH & Libraries THATCamp Co-organizer --------- | Michelle Dalmau, Digital Projects & Usability Librarian | Indiana University Digital Library Program | Herman B Wells Library | 1320 East 10th Street, W501 | Bloomington, Indiana 47405 | (812) 855-1261, [log in to unmask] | <http://mypage.iu.edu/~mdalmau/> ############################ To unsubscribe from the DLF-ANNOUNCE list: write to: mailto:[log in to unmask] or click the following link: http://lists.clir.org/scripts/wa-CLIR.exe?SUBED1=DLF-ANNOUNCE&A=1