

On 10/24/2012 2:04 PM, Ben Florin wrote:
> We use Primo, but we've never bothered with their restricted search scopes.

Apparently the answer to my question is that nobody has thought about 
this before, heh.

Primo, by default, will suppress some content from end-users unless they 
are authenticated, no?  Maybe that's what "restricted search scopes" 
are? I'm not talking about your locally indexed content, but about the 
"PrimoCentral" index of scholarly articles.

At least I know the Primo API requires you to tell it if end-users are 
authenticated or not, and suppresses some results if they are not. I 
assume Primo 'default' interface must have the same restrictions?

Perhaps the answer to my question is that at most discovery customers, 
off-campus users always get the 'restricted' search results, have no 
real way to authenticate, and nobody's noticed yet!