

Last Call! This survey will close Friday Sept. 13. Thanks for putting up
with our cross & re-posting!****

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Dear Colleagues,****


Please take the survey linked below to help us gather data on how libraries
manage their many projects. We want to know how libraries manage, keep
track of progress, and collaborate on projects. Survey results will show a
snapshot of project management techniques used, project management software
strengths and weaknesses, and what types of library projects are a good fit
for which project management software.****


Please help us answer these questions by taking an online survey (estimated
<10 minutes to complete). Findings will be reported at the Internet
Librarian 2013 and CARL 2014 conferences, with the potential for future
journal publications. Your responses will be anonymous, your participation
is voluntary, and there are no foreseen risks in volunteering for this


To take the survey please click on this link


In case you are still on the fence about taking our survey, let us define
what we mean by project management software and techniques. Project
Management is a set of techniques used heavily in business, construction,
and software development to describe and monitor work on large projects
that involve multiple people over a long period of time. The various
techniques help keep track of goals, tasks, deadlines, responsible
individuals, progress toward completion, budget, and many more factors that
contribute to project success.****


Within the library, a project might be implementing a discovery service,
marketing a program to freshmen, renovating the building, redesigning the
website, or weeding the humanities section. We want to hear from
individuals who have contributed to projects in libraries. Please take our
survey so we can learn from your collective experience.****


Thank you for your participation!****


Margot Hanson, Instruction & Outreach Librarian, California Maritime Academy

Annis Lee Adams, E-Resources Librarian, Golden Gate University****

Andrew Tweet, Librarian, William Jessup University****

Kevin Pischke, Library Director, William Jessup University****


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If you have any questions about the survey please contact:****

Margot Hanson: [log in to unmask], 707-654-1091****


California Maritime Academy Institutional Review Board****

IRB # CMA-IRB2013-014 (Exempt status)