


Okay, I've modified the MARC4J project to be "Mavenized"... to test it out,
you can clone my fork: (the 'mavenized'
branch)... you'll note all the references to ksclarke/marc4j would need to
be changed to marc4j/marc4j if you all want to go the full-monty-Maven

The README has simple build instructions (assuming you have Maven
installed, for instance) and there is the documentation/site that Maven can
automatically generate at: (and a
preliminary travis-ci build at:

The project is pre-configured and ready to have its artifacts pushed into
the Sonatype OSS repository (artifacts can be pushed from there into
Maven's central repository).  The step that would need to take place before
that could happen is to register a MARC4J account with Sonatype, upload SSH
keys, etc.  I'd be glad to do that if you all decide you'd like to go the
Maven route with MARC4J.  If that doesn't sound good, though, no worries...
it was a fun exercise...


On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> That would be super awesome if you wanted to do that, and see if you can
> come up with something that Bob is okay with, but makes it possible for us
> to actually do releases to maven, so people expecting to find releases
> there can find them there.
> I'm not sure I, or any of the other committers but Bob, understand any of
> that workflow either. I know that right now it is (thankfully) in a state
> where you can use ant to succesfully build it to a .jar, and use ant to run
> tests. Hooray. But yeah, there are, I had noticed, some generated .java
> files that are not in the source repo, but are in fact generated by the
> build process.
> On 11/13/13 6:21 PM, Kevin S. Clarke wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <[log in to unmask]
>> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
>>     I'm not sure, would we?  Is that your advice?
>> That would be my advice, yes, but I understand Robert's perspective.
>>   People have strong feelings one way or the other about Maven.
>>     Otherwise, Kevin, you interested in getting committer privs and
>>     figuring out what needs to be done?
>> Maybe I should just tinker in my own fork of it for a bit and see what
>> comes from it... I'll need to understand the workflow Robert is
>> describing a bit more.
>> Kevin