Hi All,
As FYI. You may share it with your colleagues.
Happy Thanksgiving

Roger Schonfeld presents Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey at GW

More on the survey:

Wed Dec 4, 2013
Gelman IBT room (702)
2130 H St NW, Washington, DC 20052
Metro Foggy Bottom

RSVP not required
For more information, please contact:
Karim Boughida
Associate University Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Content Management
George Washington University libraries
Cel 202-494-5297
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Roger C. Schonfeld

Roger is Program Director for Libraries, Users, and Scholarly
Practices at Ithaka S+R. He leads their internationally recognized
surveys of faculty members, librarians, and students, while also
managing research and consulting projects in library collections
and preservation; research support services; discovery patterns; and
special collections strategy.
Roger has served on the NSF Blue Ribbon Task Force for Sustainable
Digital Preservation and Access and NISO’s Open Discovery Initiative.
Earlier, he was a research associate at The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation, where he worked on projects related to college athletics
and scholarly communication. Roger has a degree in English Literature
from Yale University.


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