

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:50 AM, Robert Sanderson <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

>  I'm not advocating arbitrary APIs, but instead just to use link headers
> between the different representations.

This seems like such a good idea...  content negotiation is not something I
want to have to deal with (no matter how easy anybody thinks that ought to
be for me); but if every alternate representation just needs to link
rel=canonical back to the est-une-pipe URI that sounds easy.

Say I want my canonical URI to be my google search landing page for the
object /canonical/uri; what would the link header look like to have links
to some arbitrary .json, some arbitrary xml, rdf-xml, rdf-ttl, and json-ld?
 Would it look something like this?

[Header for /canonical/uri.json, an arbitrary json representation of the
object's metadata as indexed]
Link: </canonical/uri>; rel="canonical"; type="text/html",
         </canonical/uri.xml>; rel="alternate"; type="text/xml",
         </canonical/uri.rdf.xml>; rel="alternate"; type="
         </canonical/uri.rdf.ttl>; rel="alternate"; type="text/turtle",
         </canonical/uri.LD.json>; rel="alternate";

Are there examples in the wild using Link Headers between the different
representations rather than "conneg" in a way that plays nice with linked