

Thanks for the thoughtful responses. We've been actively digitizing our print paper (which ceased publication in 2011) and I was thinking of this as an extension of that effort. Right now, I think capturing a monthly WARC file of the site is definitely a good idea no matter what. But beyond that, as Kyle pointed out, it's not really the web site I'm after but the content. I'd like to present this content alongside print issues in our IR (currently ContentDM). In one sense, I can see doing a weekly capture of the site which would equate to an issue in the old format. But, I could also do a PDF of the content. A PDF makes sense to me in the context of a collection that is largely print-based and gets at what I want (keyword searchable content, authors, dates), but is it disingenuous to fundamentally alter the format? Plus there's the work involved... This may be a question for archivists, but I'm not one so would appreciate any additional thoughts from this group. 

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Kathryn Frederick (Library) <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to develop a strategy for preserving issues our school's online
> newspaper. Creating a WARC file of the content seems straightforward, but
> how will that content fair long-term? Also, how is the WARC served to an
> end-user? Is there some other method I should look at?
> Thanks in advance for any advice!
> Kathryn