

Dear CWG, 
At our meeting today we discussed the status of the Web Archiving survey report. Many thanks to Jefferson for providing an update. Nicholas Taylor's SAA roundtable slides, which were mentioned, are here: 

As this is getting finalized (see some notes below about the remaining to-dos), we would like to give the CWG an opportunity to read through a near-complete draft before we send to the Coordinating Committee and then ultimately publish the report and associated blog posts. If you have time to read and provide any comments it would be appreciated by the survey team. 

Please send comments back as track changes in the attached document or if general comments, by email. Please send them to me and Christie for compilation: [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] by COB Monday September 8 at the latest. 

What we are still working on, just FYI (ie. don't get hung up on our formatting woes):

- Front page image (current is a placeholder, suggestions welcomed)
- TOC needs updating 
- Persistent URL assignment by NDSA Secretariat
- Any additional proofing for formatting consistency [the template is a nightmare of formatting weirdness, so please help ensure things like font, font size, justification, and line/paragraph-spacing are consistent]
- Footnote consistency [mostly formatting-wise b/c of more template weirdness/painfulness]
- Add Appendix A (or B) - the survey questions
- Clean up Appendix B (or A) - text explaining categorization of metrics & skills responses (this was moved out of the main body as it seemed way too wordy to keep there)
- Whatever Appendix # is assigned to the categorization needs to be updated in footnotes 6 & 7.
- Final editorial input, if you have it 

- Overall proofing of the data - our subgroup is working on this to ensure accuracy
- tweaking of charts
- Final editorial input on charts, if you have it

With the sign-off of CWG, our subgroup, and NDSA leadership, we hope to have this published in the next few weeks. 

Thanks! Let us know if there are any questions. 