

The OCLC Developer Network is offering two free, 1-hour webinars based on our recent popular blog series covering some of our favorite software development practices:

Finding a Common Language: Putting Software Development Practices to Use - November 11, 11:00am ET
This webinar is designed for anyone who is struggling with how to communicate actionable feature or product requirements. Whether you're a librarian, developer or something in-between--you'll find useful tools to create a middle ground of understanding for everyone involved in the project.

How to Code for Users: Putting Software Development Practices to the Test - November 20, 1pm ET
This webinar is designed for any developer who has seen a project lose its way somewhere between the requirements and the (not-so) finished product. We'll cover how to test your new code's behavior against the goals and experiences defined in user stories and acceptance criteria.

Visit the OCLC Developer Network site to learn more and to register<>.

Drop us note at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> if you have any questions.


Shelley Hostetler
Community Manager, WorldShare Platform