

*About The Lesbian Herstory Archives*

In operation since 1974 and currently celebrating our 40th Anniversary, The
Lesbian Herstory Archives <> has
been home to the world's oldest and largest collection of
archival, bibliographic and multimedia materials by and about lesbians and
the lesbian experience.

We offer research assistance, tours, exhibits, educational programs,
readings and social events that are open to the public as well as a 3 month
Lesbian Studies course each semester.

*LHA* is an all-volunteer run, 501(c)3 , non-profit
educational organization.   Your purchase of a tote will help to fund
our continuing archival and preservation projects, training of library and
archives interns and
​ educational
cultural programming.​​

​Each *​*
*tote ​*
*costs $20.00* including
​ U.S.​
​ Intl shipping costs may apply. ​
Check out an image of the tote *here​*

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The Lesbian Herstory Archives <>

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